Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the event
Please note that this event is intended for grad students enrolled in Immunology at UofT. For additional details about the event and instructions for signing up, students should refer to the email that was sent out earlier this month!
Feeling down-and-out? Need a break from flow cytometry? Eager to make new friends? We’re kicking off the school year with an opportunity for you to win big prizes and to become a “dignified member of society” once again by participating in the first IGSA SQUID GAME!
⭐ When: Saturday, October 30th. 12:00pm-4:00pm
⭐ Where: Refer to the email sent on behalf of IGSA
⭐ What: Food and drinks (vegan and halal options available) + a series of Netflix series-themed games
⭐ Who: You and your friends/supervisors/coworkers in the Department of Immunology
Participation in the SquIMM game is completely voluntary (feel free to spectate and socialize) with a suggested donation of $5-10! You will be competing for gift cards and the power to determine where the donations will go (IGSA will match your donations)!